Title: We're Not Gonna Fall, John/Cameron Fanvid Pairing: John/Cameron Song: We're Not Gonna Fall, Daughtry Spoilers: whole series Summary: John and Cameron aren't going to let anything touch them or their love.
Title: Stay, John/Cameron Fanvid Song: Stay, Safetysuit Pairing: John/Cameron, hints at John/Riley Spoilers: whole series Summary: Cameron is upset with John for spending time with Riley, and he's not sure what he did wrong.
I went to FanExpo on Sunday and got to meet Summer and get an autograph! I felt super lucky considering I was the second-last person to meet her before she went off to do her photo-op. ><
When I met her, I was all nervous and flustered. Lordy is she even more gorgeous in real life, her skin is so clear and like translucent almost O_O
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Hi guys :) I just wanna let you know that I've made the Summer and Thomas fanlisting :D 'cause this two are love and they need a fanlisting ♥ I'm expecting a lots of members! So camon people who loves TSCC and Summer and Thomas, join it *_*
Hi dears :) I just wanna let you know that I've opened a new graphics community about Summer Glau ♥ I simply love her, I think she's a great actress and since I haven't found so much graphics community about her I've thought to opened one. If you are a fan and you like made fanarts please join ;)
I made an epic Sarah Connor Chronicles cast picspam! But then things got out of hand and it wound up being a little too epic. So don't click the cut if you have dial-up, because, seriously, this will kill it stone dead.